Project Management

We embrace a value-driven approach, where we define and articulate business objectives first, and then identify the best means to deliver. From permitting and planning to procurement, design, construction, delivery and operation, we offer an integrated spectrum of project management services.

We are experts in planning law, site appraisals, zoning submissions, applications, environment impact assessments and regulatory approvals. Wadal’s project management teams marshal resources and utilise technology to optimise resource allocation, thereby preventing bottlenecks and accelerating project delivery.

Engineering Design Management

Sound, sustainable design is at the very heart of what we do. We create real estate assets that survive the test of time, integrate into their master communities and deliver investor returns while being easy to operate and maintain.

Real Estate Investment Management

Our spectrum of skills across the real estate lifecycle deliver a very strong integrated real estate investment management offering.
We create investment opportunities and growth for investors and project owners by combining our strong technical and project management expertise with sales, marketing and financial skills.

Contact Us

Let’s start a conversation about helping your business spark, new capabilities and take advantage of new opportunities.


  • telephone Tel. +966 11 473 3600
  • email Email:
  • placeholder 6795 Al Amin Abdullah Al ali An Naim,
  • Al Malaz, Gardinio Center, Office No 12,
    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia