Urban Design

Our experienced architect, planner, engineering and landscape design teams work in tandem to produce guidelines for effective urban planning.

Our experienced architect, planner, engineering and landscape design teams work in tandem to produce guidelines for effective urban planning. Our strong relationships with regulators and government departments help our recommendations be considered seriously within top decision-making tiers. Our urban planning starts with research and development. We connect people with spaces, and map movement to inform urban structure. We believe in cohesive spaces conducive to interaction, with green spaces introducing an element of nature. Our urban plans lend themselves to sustainability, with social equity and economic viability built into the fabric of our master plans.

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Let’s start a conversation about helping your business spark, new capabilities and take advantage of new opportunities.


  • telephone Tel. +966 11 473 3600
  • email Email: info@wadal.com.sa
  • placeholder 6795 Al Amin Abdullah Al ali An Naim,
  • Al Malaz, Gardinio Center, Office No 12,
    Riyadh, Saudi Arabia